Light bulb hoarding

'm almost ashamed to admit that I have one delightful friend who is quite unreconstructed when it comes to the question of light bulbs. She feels so strongly about the subject that she knew when Malcolm Turnbull was the Environment Minister that he was not a fit and proper person to run the nation. The Turnbull decision to phase out incandescent light bulbs and have us all replace them with those strange curly fluorescent things was all the evidence needed. If he could not appreciate that the colour of the light from an incandesxcent bulb was far superior he would clearly never see the light about any important subject.
And so it was that the stockpiling of the soon to be outlawed incandescents began. Every weekly supermarket visit for the last two years has seen a few more packs added to the storage chest and my friend is now confident that by the time she runs out of the real things she will be so old she will not be able to see anything anyhow.
But now I notice that the Opposition Leader has a chance to redeem himself. The New York Times reports this morning that great strides have been made in improving the century old incandescent technology. One company is already marketing limited quantities of incandescent bulbs that meet the standard that has been set to take effect in 2012, and researchers are promising a wave of innovative products in the next few years. “Due to the 2007 federal energy bill that phases out inefficient incandescent light bulbs beginning in 2012, we are finally seeing a race” to develop more efficient ones, Noah Horowitz, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defence Council, is quoted as saying.


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